Friday, February 3, 2012

Creative Exploration Challenge - Week #5 Crackle Effect

Hello Friends! This weeks was a crazy week. My husband and I both got memberships to our local gym. Yeah Me!!! Getting fit is yet another item on my list for 2012.  So it has been challenging getting a new routine in order.  Getting daughter to school, workout, clean house, pick up daughter, after-school fun and trying to fit in my artwork in there somewhere. I was also a little under the weather, but somehow I managed to fit it all in.

(It's also In the Studio Friday - check out other creative blogs here)


This weeks Challenge was very cool - it is making a crackle effect on a object using Elmer's glue. I am very happy with how this worked and I am excited to also try this on wood.
I cut out this dress from card stock to use in a mixed media project.  You could use any surface - I am looking forward to trying this as a background on a canvas or wood.

Apply Elmer's Glue

Spread glue
Add paint

Cover Object

Let air dry or use heat gun!

Here she is - this is still a work in progress but I wanted to share where I used my dress! I just love this effect and plan on using this much more!
Here is to another wonderful week! Hugs and Love, Dayleanne XOXO


  1. Neat effect ~ I have an idea where I might use it, thanks for sharing...

  2. That's so cool! Did you add the paint while the glue was still wet?

  3. Yes! :-) you add it directly on top of the wet glue! Super neat

  4. I love to see how everyone uses things to texture a piece. I especially love how easy this looks to do! CUTE CUTE CUTE

  5. congrats on starting your fitness program! and thank you for sharing this very interesitng technique,
    hugs, peggy aplSEEDS

  6. I have always heard how glue can be used for crackling...experiments, experiments! I have a loooong list!

  7. It always takes me a while to get into a routine when I add something new. :) I did not know you could use glue like that to crackle! How neat!
